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Weather Details

Current Conditions

18/9/24 : 10:29


19.6 °C

Wind Chill

19.6 °C

Dew Point

-4.6 °C


19 %

Sea Level Barometer

1027.20 mb

Wind Direction


Wind Speed

9 mph [Gentle Breeze]

Heat Index

18.8 °C

Rainfall Today / Mth

0.00 mm (Monthly 59.80 mm)

Yearly Rainfall

537.20 mm

Solar Radiation

246 W/sqm

UV Index


Today’s Extremes


High Temperature

19.6 °C at 10:25

Low Temperature

16.2 °C at 3:28

Low Wind Chill

15.6 °C at 0:21

High Heat Index

18.8 °C at 10:29

Peak Wind Gust

20 mph at 9:52

Peak Solar Radiation

508 W/sqm at 9:59

Peak UV Index

1.5 at 10:22

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